
Can You Buy Color Contact Lense In Japan

When I came to Nihon, I brought as many pairs of contacts as I could. I was terrified of going to the optometrist in Japan considering I didn't know the process, and my linguistic communication skills were weak when it came to anything medical.

Fast frontward a few years, and I have finally run out of my supply. Considering my language skills have not improved much (and because I'thou lazy) I decided to check out Amazon for a contact refill.

At present, in the The states, the FDA is pretty strict nigh contact lenses and prescriptions surrounding them. While there are workarounds for this, in general, y'all need a contempo prescription (within the concluding 2 years) to social club, among other things.

Growing up with those strict laws instilled in me, I was nervous virtually making a buy. However, subsequently speaking with a friend and boyfriend expat nearly how they got new contact lenses, she suggested I cheque out Amazon.

This was perfect for me, considering the voucher system here at City-Cost. Checking out Amazon, I was surprised to run into that there was an entire bustling marketplace of contact lens sellers there! You could find colored lenses, plain ones... annihilation yous'd desire!

I Ordered Contact Lenses from Amazon Japan photo

Now, the importance of the power and the diameter are important to make sure that it'll fit on your heart properly. Luckily, instead of sorting through Amazon'southward entire catalog, you tin use the search refinement tool on the sidebar to aid y'all find the lens for you.

Lucky for me, my eyes aren't very sensitive or dry, so I can have almost whatsoever lens brand. And then, I just ordered the cheapest brand, which was Bausch & Lomb, a relatively popular and well-known brand. My prescription is a flake strong (-6.00 in both optics), then I'm not sure how that affected the toll. I paid one,280 yen for 6 lenses (3 pairs in total).

The process was as uncomplicated equally buying anything else off of Amazon. I just put it in my cart, pressed purchase, and that's it! There was no place for Amazon to check my prescription or anything. They just trusted that I was ownership the right prescription and that was information technology.

I Ordered Contact Lenses from Amazon Japan photo

I Ordered Contact Lenses from Amazon Japan photo

My contacts weren't covered under Amazon Prime, but it yet came within three days. Judging from the box, it seemed as though information technology was a third party seller from "Lens Apple" only selling though Amazon. I haven't checked out Lens Apple, just if their prices are even better, I may be buying from them next fourth dimension...

I Ordered Contact Lenses from Amazon Japan photo

I'thousand always and then surprised and a bit disappointed by how big the boxes are in comparing to the actual product being shipped. But, my lenses came perfectly in tact and, I guess for medical-related things, I'd rather exist condom than sorry.

I Ordered Contact Lenses from Amazon Japan photo

I couldn't open the box properly, simply my lenses came and everything looked perfect! I mean, I wasn't expecting anything bad to happen or for them to exist tampered with, but it was dainty to see.

I Ordered Contact Lenses from Amazon Japan photo

I was so happy with my buy. The toll was right in the range that I was hoping for and the lenses were great quality. The convenience from Amazon was also much appreciated. So, if you know your prescription, you should definitely consider buying lenses online the next time you lot need a refill!



I like petting cats and eating snacks.
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