Photo with colors pulled out.
Jane Rix/

It'southward like shooting fish in a barrel to accept a concrete object into a paint store and get the color matched. But what if you like a color in an Instagram photo? That's trickier, but we'll evidence yous how to friction match paint colors to digital images.

The low-tech approach to this situation is to pull up the photo on your phone and compare it to paint fries at the shop. That certainly can work, but it'south non an exact scientific discipline. For a more than authentic colour match, nosotros'll demand to go a little deeper.

RELATED: The Dissimilar Types of Paint (and When to Use Them)

Ascertain the Color

The first thing nosotros need to exercise is define the colour you lot found in a digital image. Colors in digital images are represented past half dozen-digit "hex codes." "RGB" and "CMYK" are other methods for defining colors in digital course.

All of these unlike values only tell the brandish on your device how to make the color it needs to show. Finding these values is how we can catechumen digital color into existent-globe paint colors. We'll be using hex codes for our purposes.

RELATED: What Is a Hex Code for Colors?

Once yous accept the image that contains the color you want, head over to in a spider web browser. Select "Browse" or paste the URL of the image in the text box to get started.

Upload an image to scan.

One time the image is uploaded, click or tap anywhere on the image to select a color. The color will be displayed at the elevation along with the hex code in the "HEX" box. Save that code.

Select a color to see the hex code.

Friction match the Color

With hex code in mitt, we tin can now become to a website called Encycolorpedia. Enter the hex lawmaking in the search box and click "Search."

At the meridian of the page, you'll see some information nearly the colour. Y'all can click "Purchase Paint Matching this Color" to encounter the closest paint color information technology plant.

You'll exist taken to a different website. In this case, the colour is shut to a Benjamin Moore paint colour called "Traditional Yellowish." You lot tin go to the pigment store and discover that paint flake or ask an employee to expect it up.

Closest paint color.

There isn't commonly an exact match from hex code to paint color. As you can come across, the Benjamin Moore hex lawmaking is slightly different from the one I entered. For more choices, go back to the previous folio on Encycolorpedia and scroll downwards to see "Related Named Colors."

"Related Named Colors" section.

If the original pigment color isn't close enough to your liking, you can select ane of these and endeavor "Buy Pigment Marching this Color" once more.

Try a new color.

Again, there probably won't be an exact match to the color of the image. Pigment colors don't accept nearly every bit much diverseness equally digital colors. However, by trying a few variations, you should be able to find a color that is pretty shut.

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