
Is Galaxy S8 A 4g Phone

Galaxy S8 vs. iPhone 7: Which Phone Is Really the Fastest?

The Fight for the Fastest Phone

Over the ameliorate role of two years, Apple tree's homegrown mobile system-on-a-fleck has typically enjoyed a pretty meaning pb in functioning when compared to whatever Android phone. But the Galaxy S8 threatens the iPhone'southward dominance, as the Samsung device has serious ability under the hood. The company'due south latest flagship phone is the first to sport Qualcomm's new Snapdragon 835 chip. And that could challenge the A10 Fusion processor within the iPhone 7 for mobile supremacy.

To find out which smartphone is the true performance champ, we went across the usual benchmarks and put each phone through a battery of real-world tests. If you lot who need a refresher on just what's inside either the Galaxy S8 or iPhone 7, peep at the tabular array to meet how these two phones stack up.

How We Examination Real-World Speed

Synthetic benchmarks similar Geekbench give us some thought of the performance of different phones, and so nosotros employ these tests in our telephone reviews. But to really determine how the Milky way S8 measures upward to the iPhone 7, we devised the following real-world operation tests equally a more than thorough way to approximate which device is faster.

Examination #1: App-Opening Speed

Your software experience is one of the most critical things about your phone, when you lot're waiting for a game to load, opening up music app before a workout or multitasking by switching among your favorite social media apps. And then for this examination, we picked 15 of the most popular apps and games and timed how long it took each phone to launch each programme in succession. Before opening all of the apps, we connected each of phones to the same Wi-Fi network, restarted the devices and cleared out whatever existing background apps to ensure that nothing would interfere with the test.

The results of this test were a chip of a surprise, because you oft hear how much "snappier" iPhones feel than their Android counterparts. Simply in taking an average of one minute and 20 seconds to open up all 15 apps, the Galaxy S8 finished vii seconds faster than the iPhone 7'due south time of 1:28.

Admittedly, homo fault and reaction times could business relationship for some of the time difference, simply with a 7-second gap, the S8 is notwithstanding the speedier of the two phones when opening apps.

Winner: Galaxy S8

Exam #2: Video-Editing Speed

Given how easy it is to shoot video and mail service it up on the web with today'due south smartphones, we also wanted to meet how well each phone handled a chip of onboard editing. On this test, we used each telephone to capture a 5-minute 4K video at 30 fps, and and so used the Adobe Premiere Clip and Videoshop apps to add a filter and convert the motion-picture show to a 720p version.

This round wasn't fifty-fifty close. The iPhone's average video-editing fourth dimension of i minute and 28 seconds across ii unlike apps crushed the S8'due south eight:13 average. While we're non entirely sure what caused such a large gap, seeing similar results across multiple video-editing apps, as we did with the iPhone, is pretty convincing.

The iPhone 7 may benefit from better optimization, since app makers need to account for only a handful of devices when creating software for iOS; in the Android ecosystem, developers demand to take into account hundreds of phones and tablets with diverse CPUs. It's possible that neither of these two apps apps has yet been optimized for the Snapdragon 835 chip.

And as we found out when nosotros reviewed the Milky way S8, the quad-cadre iPhone A10 Fusion processor gets meliorate per-core performance than the Galaxy's octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 835. So if the Galaxy's flake can't employ all eight of its cores to the fullest, it would be pretty much incommunicable for it to lucifer the iPhone 7'southward operation. Either fashion, if yous do a fair amount of mobile editing, this could be more than enough reason to choose an iPhone seven over the S8.

Winner: iPhone vii

Test #3: Camera Open Time

In that location'south an age-old adage that says the best camera is the one you have with you. However, your telephone isn't very helpful if it takes too long to open up and focus. To find out if there is a departure betwixt the iPhone and S8 in this area, we a gear up up a separate photographic camera to record at 240 fps and then timed how long it took each phone to launch open up its camera app and focus on a subject

Just launching the camera app isn't enough; your telephone as well needs to be focused and ready to shoot. That's where the S8'south dual-pixel autofocus tech really comes in handy. The S8 lags backside the iPhone 7 in merely opening the camera app, merely Samsung'due south phone almost instantly locked onto its subject, resulting in a total open and focus fourth dimension of 0.97 seconds.

MORE: Galaxy S8 vs. iPhone vii Camera Shootout: Samsung Has the Edge

Even though the iPhone started out ahead, its autofocus had to chase and search to get a lock. Every bit a event, it ended upwards with a slower time of i.nineteen seconds to launch the app and focus on a subject. Two-tenths of a 2nd might non audio like much, but if you're trying to snap a motion picture of a baby or pet, that time could exist the difference betwixt nailing a shot or missing it completely.

Winner: Milky way S8

Exam #iv: Wi-Fi Speed

It's not a sexy stat, but with all the information constantly being sent to and from your phone, wireless throughput has never been more of import. And while your 4G LTE speeds depend on your carrier, Wi-Fi speeds do not. So nosotros connected the two phones to the same Wi-Fi network and used the IxChariot Wi-Fi analysis software to encounter how fast each device's transfer speeds could actually get.

Even though both the S8 and iPhone vii back up 802.11 ac Wi-Fi, not all wireless antennas are created the aforementioned. And as some iPhone four users learned firsthand back in 2010, the design of a telephone tin greatly bear on the device'southward reception.

In 2017, that doesn't seem to exist nearly equally noticeable a problem, but with an average download speed of 264.19 Mbps across four distances, the S8 offers slightly faster overall Wi-Fi speeds than the iPhone vii and its 233.79-Mbps average.

More than: Meridian-Rated Wi-Fi Extenders to Heave Your Signal

But more chiefly, the S8 showed significantly less falloff at long distances, with speeds that dropped less than 20 percentage at 100 feet, versus the iPhone 7, whose speeds barbarous by almost 66 percentage over the same distance.

Distance from Router Galaxy S8 iPhone seven
ten anxiety 318.23 Mbps 351.fifty Mbps
30 feet 285.88 Mbps 266.99 Mbps
50 feet 247.88 Mbps 196.27 Mbps
100 feet 204.75 Mbps 120.39 Mbps
264.19 Mbps 233.79 Mbps

At x feet, the iPhone did display faster throughput than the Milky way S8. But with the S8 finishing alee at every other distance, and on the average, this round goes to Samsung.

Winner: Galaxy S8

Test #v: Gaming Performance

In 2017, everyone's a gamer of some sort. And while you might not see a difference in graphics power betwixt two phones while playing titles like Candy Beat out or Fruit Ninja, there's a vast sea of games that can bring bottom phones to their knees. To figure out if one telephone has an advantage over the other while gaming, nosotros hooked up the S8 and iPhone 7 to a PC running GameBench, which measures median FPS and frame-rate stability; we then played a few of the most demanding mobile games on the market, such as Hearthstone and CSR Racing 2.

With mobile games getting more graphically demanding every day, information technology'southward more of import than ever that a phone have the necessary muscle to deliver a polish gaming experience. While many mobile games are capped at xxx or 60 fps, lower-power phones frequently can't hit those caps. Just as of import is being able to sustain those frame rates, which is essential for a lag-free experience.

Sporting a max resolution of 2960 x 1440, the S8 starts out at a disadvantage because information technology has more pixels to account for than the iPhone 7 Plus, which tops out at 1920 10 1080. However, since neither of the games we tested natively supports the S8'south xviii.5:9 aspect ratio, the difference in resolution isn't quite equally large; games on the S8 default to a more traditional 2560 x 1440 16:9 format instead.

In the mobile version of Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft, both phones delivered a smooth gameplay experience. The S8 produced a median frame rate of 30 fps with an FPS stability (the corporeality of time spent inside 20 percent of the median frame charge per unit) of 99.44 percent. The iPhone seven's metrics were essentially the same, every bit it recorded a median frame rate of 29 fps with an as strong FPS stability of 99.35 percent.

You lot could contend that because the iPhone vii has a stability alphabetize of 0.67 versus 1.08 for the S8 (smaller numbers are better), Apple'southward telephone holds a slight advantage, but every bit the departure is so pocket-sized, we think it's a fleck presumptuous to declare a winner based on this stat lonely.

It's also interesting to note that with CPU and GPU usage of vi.57 percent and 23.48 pct, respectively, for the Galaxy S8, versus 31.36 percentage and 28.68 percent for the iPhone 7. Information technology seems that playing Hearthstone was a slightly more taxing endeavor for Apple's device even with the two phones producing nigh identical results.

MORE: 100+ Great iOS Games for iPhones and iPads

When we played CSR Racing 2, the results were again quite similar, with the S8 hitting 30 fps versus the iPhone'due south 29 fps. However, the iPhone 7 pulled out to an initial pb, cheers to a higher FPS stability of 83.89 percentage, compared with the S8's FPS stability of 74.52 percent. But the S8 still had an ace up its sleeve, thanks to Samsung'south built-in high-functioning game mode. Later on enabling that feature, the S8's FPS stability improved to 83.39 percent, essentially matching the iPhone's functioning.

In the cease, when information technology comes to graphics performance, instead of existence held back by their hardware, both phones are actually limited by the apps themselves. When we tested less demanding games such every bit Super Mario Run, NBA Live Mobile and others, both phones repeatedly hit the apps' in-game FPS caps. Then, even though we tin't declare a winner for this category, it's squeamish know that these phones are then powerful that neither should have much problem keeping up with the demanding games that will be released over the next year or and so.

Winner: Draw

Bottom Line

With a tape of 3-1-1, nosotros're giving the Galaxy S8 the win in this speed battle. Samsung's phone opened apps faster, was ready to shoot photos quicker and delivered zippier Wi-Fi speeds. However, in each of the S8's three victories, it's of import to point out how close the iPhone vii was to Samsung'southward phone, as opposed to the absolute thrashing the iPhone 7 delivered to the S8 in our video-editing tests.

If you've been wondering whether Apple or Samsung makes the faster phone, y'all at present have an answer: It'south the Galaxy S8.

Illustrations: Tom's Guide

Sam is a Senior Author at Engadget and previously worked at Gizmodo as a Senior Reporter. Before that, he worked at Tom'southward Guide and Laptop Mag equally a Staff Writer and Senior Product Review Analyst, overseeing benchmarks and testing for countless product reviews. He was also an archery instructor and a penguin trainer too (really).


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