• This topic has vii replies, 2 voices, and was last updated nine years, 1 month ago by Sakin.

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  • #3800

    I would similar to alter the color of my sidebar text widget and also know if it is possible to make information technology transparent.


    @Rufi139: In Catch Box pro theme. You can add the following CSS in "Custom CSS" box in your Theme Options panel.

    /* To Change Sidebar Text Widget background to Transparent */
    .widget.widget_text {background-colour: transparent; }


    Change sidebar widget color background for a specific widget and the border bottom.


    @Rufi139: For text widget and so. Add together the colour code as need.

    .widget.widget_text { background-color: #eee; border-bottom: 2px solid #ccc;}


    I would like to modify a specific widget, how do I,  ID an individual text widget, I've tried a couple of things but information technology changes all the widgets.


    @Rufi139: Why don't you add together the widgets in your site bar then send me your site URL and the widget proper name for which y'all desire to change the colour then I can ship you the css.



    @Rufi139: This folio http://www.libertypraise.com/wordpress/613-commandments/ id is 140 so you can add the CSS in "Custom CSS" box in your Theme Options console to alter the text color of widget in this page.
    .page-id-140 .widget { colour: #fff; }

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